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Tips to maintain healthy bones: Magnesium vitamin D calcium supplement

by Shaigan Healthcare 20 Sep 2024

Bones go beyond just being the skeletal framework of the human body; they actually play a significant role in our overall health. Bones store minerals, make blood cells, and support the body's organs. In order to have great bones, they must be fed what it takes for them to be healthy and strong. One powerful trio that can really boost bones' health is magnesium, vitamin D, and calcium.

Magnesium: The Often-Overlooked Mineral



Magnesium is a mineral overshadowed by calcium when one is talking about bone strength. This mineral aids in the formation and maintenance of bone tissue. Magnesium affects the absorption of calcium and is also implicated in several biochemical pathways that determine the strength of bones.

High magnesium foods:

  • Nuts, seeds: almonds, cashews, walnuts, pumpkin seed, sesame seeds

  • Whole grains: brown rice, quinoa, oats

  • Legumes: lentils, chickpeas, black beans

  • Dark green vegetables: spinach, kale, Swiss chard

  • Avocado

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is often called the "sunshine vitamin" because our bodies can produce it from exposure to sunlight. However, most people aren't getting enough sunlight or are not consuming enough food to provide them with adequate quantities, which has made them vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency. This can affect bone health negatively.

Richest sources of vitamin D :

  • Fatty fish: salmon, mackerel, tuna

  • Egg yolks

  • Fortified foods: Milk, orange juice, cereal

Best Vitamin D Supplement in Pakistan

Best Vitamin D Supplement in Pakistan


Hidee-3 is a widely used vitamin D tablet in Pakistan. This vitamin supplement ensures helping to hold on to the density and strength of bones and is required for the prevention of fractures and osteoporosis. Our products ensure adequate soaking into the system of calcium. The best vitamin D supplement in Pakistan establishes mood, sleep, immunity boost, and overall health of a person.

Calcium: The Building Block of Bones

Calcium is definitely the mineral to turn to regarding maintaining bones. It is the main mineral present within bone, but simply isn't enough on its own. Calcium is absorbed with the aid of vitamin D and magnesium.

Sources for calcium:

  • Dairy: milk, cheese, yogurt

  • Greens: Kale, spinach, collard greens

  • Fortified: orange juice, tofu, plant-based milk

  • Additional ways to reach peak bone health:

  • Trifecta Time: For optimal impact, take magnesium, vitamin D and calcium together.



If you can't get what you need from your diet, supplements can help.


weight-bearing exercise—walking, running, strength training—to maintain bone strength.

Abstain or Limit:

Heavy Alcohol Use and Caffeine Alcohol interferes with calcium metabolism, and excessive intake of caffeine may also interfere.

Avoid smoking:

Smoking raises the potential of having osteoporosis. Intake of magnesium, vitamin D, and calcium in your diet can ameliorate your bone health to great extents and avoid associated diseases like osteoporosis. Keep in mind, however, that any health condition should be communicated with a doctor, so that more adequate personal advice is given.


Undeniably, calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium are essential nutrients that have to be taken to ensure the building of healthy bones and powerful muscles. Calcium is the basis of laying down and maintaining the tissue of bones. Magnesium has a role in your bone and muscle health. Vitamin D is essential for helping your body to absorb calcium which you require for the building or enhancement of strong bones, and it affects the health of your muscles as well. So if you are seeking a product that can deliver all these essentials, then Hidee is something you might want to check.


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